Runes Guidance

Receive Guidance and Expand Consciousness

Your Oracle for Creating Personal and Planetary Change

Receive Guidance in Balancing your Life & your Environment, Inner & Outer Space by Rune Master: Sara Roshan.

 The Runes of The Infinite Mother are here to restore and empower an ancient and sacred tradition. Like the Yin and the Yang, the inner and outer realities are opposites, divided by their inability to communicate.  The ancient traditions of the Runes provides a bridge for this language barrier, resulting inner desire manifestation in outer world.

Since ancient times runes have been used as a method of guidance. It is believed that the person choosing the runes is, at a sub-conscious level, determining the choice. The symbol on the back of the rune cards is the symbol used by those who have developed advance skills in using the runes: Rune Masters.


Runes unique guidance coming from inner senses, sets you in a right direction, empower you to regain control at the same time assist you to cooperate with fluidity of life and act out of inspiration.

These powerful tools are way above guidance, they change environment, assist with manifesting dreams and building a new reality. By purifying your inner space from chakra to consciousness they bring about different perspective. These changes impact your outer reality, inviting new situations and circumstance to your life. That is manifestation of new reality. The full activation of the inner and outer senses, in order to dissolve the enslaving programs of belief systems is the purpose of these Runes.

Each rune represents one of the internal senses, and in living them as part of our daily life, we evolve consciousness to its fullest capacity. Having 96 runes in each set, enable you to receive guidance through first 4 set of 96 cards for your personal life or a business decision. The guidance facilitated by the sacred tool of the Runes is a valuable tool to help you choose wisely.

Still have a question that needs a “yes or no” answer? Using 7 sets of 96 cards will provide you the answer for your question and you also receive guidance to change the outcome to your benefit and howRunesoftheLivingLibrary-04 to impact your future.

Each set of runes belongs to one of the seven fields of perception.

The application of the qualities associated with the runes purifies a specific chakra and one of the bodies of man. The seven sets of runes are specifically effective in clearing programs that control the mind and emotions, causing disruption in the proper functioning of the chakra system.

Each rune is a power object to help activate and strengthen qualities within, while guiding and emphasizing qualities without.

The Runes of The Infinite Mother are replacing tarots. They hold within them the secrets of the fluid construction of a reality of empowered self-determination for the awakened individual. before.

The Rune of the Resurrected life (Rune 8) and The Rune of the Unfathomable (Rune 9) completing the set for incre

ased perception and to manifest our intent.  The Runes 10 to 12 like Rune 9th is used for divination and readings for what it could be for your intent. After our first session we can discuss how to arrange the session and which rune set to use for your unique journey.

45 Minutes Reading $55

90 Minutes Intuitive Guidance and Reading $110

Book your appointment today.

Please email Sara directly for appointments and payments:


In Person or on Zoom


Message me @Sara.ConsciousManifestations






To Access the Monthly  Frequency  Reading Follow the Link:

Monthly Guidance


All information on The Infinite Mother’s Rune originated from the greatest mystic of our time Seer Almine and is used with her permission and endorsement.




Sigils, Runes and Wheels by Greatest Mystic of our time Seer Almine. Copyright © 2014-2022 Spiritual Mastery
Copyright © 2014-2022  Conscious Manifestations