Qi Vesta Manifestation Tool

Manifestation Tool

Qi Vesta Training


3 hours training plus 30 min weekly zoom support for 60 days.

Also available for a group of 2 or more people.




The Qi Vesta, which means The Breath of the Divine is a manifestation tool that replaces previously used divination devices such as the Tarot. Although it is taught mainly as a manifestation device, it is also part of the Hakulit system of counseling known by the Lemurians. It consists of 4 decks of 36 cards.

The four decks are Ari Vesta, Ha Nua Wa, Ba Va Ru and Hana Vesta.

Each of these card decks have a specific purpose in the gaining of insights.

Ari Vesta deck will show the belief systems that are obscuring perception. It works with light and frequency of the known reality of form in which we reside. Physical Reality

Ha Nua Wa works with the emotional body, Transformational 

Ba Va Ru focuses on mental body. It leverage a less than non-desirable situation into a higher manifestation. Transmutation 

And Hana Vesta works with spiritual field or body of man. Transfiguration.

You will leave with a .pdf instruction and clear understanding and practical use of this divine tool.


Hakulit Lemurians Spiritual Counseling System

Once you have completed your 60 days practice you are ready to learn Hakulit counseling system as well as creating manifestation wheel and using this divine system for your manifestations.

Two sessions,  2 hours each  $250

You will leave with .pdf instruction and information to use as needed as well as manifestation wheel.


Deep Gratitude and Praise to Seer Almine

Hakulit and Qi Vesta is the ancient and powerful  counseling & manifestation tools brought to us by Seer Almine among many other spiritual tools @Spiritual Journey LLC