Still The Mind

Power of Silence

Getting a glimpse of inner silence is an ultimate goal of all individuals around the world. Does it all start with an awareness and consciously welcoming a silence fast? A few moments experiencing sacred silence is a joy and maybe it is an intentional focus on living a wholesome life, awakening an ethical, pristine human. Learn to live in a state of meditation and experience silent and guided meditation. Enjoy shamanic journeying and activate your multidimensional field around the body.  MerKaBa, a vibratory place where one becomes a higher dimension.

Meditation is one way to experience the peace of the present moment. Awareness by expanding the mind in its vision is another way to still the mind. Look at our belief systems and live deep in the heart. The mind, based on our experiences, education and belief system controls our thoughts, emotions and actions. Trying to prevent us from getting hurt and wanting to contribute to our success. However at the same time it prevents us from experiencing the moment. Well lived moment is the future. The past doesn’t exist. Journeying to the past guarantees a future that is nothing but a replay of the past.

Opening and healing the heart starts with awareness that we use here. Although we all in some point will meditate and enjoy it, in the beginning concentrate on a way that works best for you: “Awareness – Meditation”It is a good idea to always keep in mind that living in the state of mediation ( no dialogue in the mind – living in the moment with silent mind is not coming through meditation but it is a result of evolved consciousness through awareness ) For that reason Mediation is included in all my works, healing session, individual or business coaching.


Where do all these thoughts come from? How can I stop them from coming? Uninvited, unwanted and automatic thought forms keep creating our reality and affect our moods. The most important tool to still the mind and live in silence is to be able to see beyond appearances. Structure is necessary in this stage of learning. In this session you concentrate on your awareness of the emotions and their meaning. You learn to use them as your guides. You learn to consciously participate in the game of perception and emotions.  It is simply a way to help you quiet yourself and concentrate within.

Thought holds us into the moment that is into the future or in the past. Why and where all this started is :

  1. Social conditioning
  2. Past painful experiences

Bring the awareness to the heart and use your mind when you need the wonders of the mind. Find the inner peace and hold on to it.

Peace is a thought, a way. Let’s take time each day feeding the mind with eternal time and live in meditation. Create the necessary environment in your body, mind and emotion to go back to the natural state of being: Meditation State. Nothing is more precious than a thought, so let’s not resist it or look into meditation and awareness as a tool to get rid of it, embrace it. Our thoughts are just a cell and our brain is nothing but a collection of cells. You are as free as your choices.

It is awesome, very neat and totally cool. I can hardly wait for this joyful session either with individuals or a group.

No matter which way works for you to still your mind, if committed to do the work, you will leave with useful and priceless tools to live in the state of meditation wherever you are. However both ways will end up working together more or less. One will meditate for hours, another for a few minutes. Being in the state of meditation at all times while living our day to day life is a result of both awareness and mediation.

  • Beginner

In this session we are  going to have more understanding of where the thought comes from and how to silence it. Breathing techniques and conscious breathing. Learn the main energy systems of the human body. Meditation to “Open Chakras”

Each time you sit quietly, resting in the present moment connected to one life you are adding awareness to universal consciousness.

You will leave knowing how you can manage your thoughts and still it when desired. 1 hour session $50

  • Advanced

In this session we will work with the chakra system and etheric body using energy healing, breathing methods and diet. Preparing the body for increased light. You will practice on living in mediation and learn to use it as a tool in your everyday life.

  • Learn more about physical, etheric or astral bodies.
  • Use the power of silence to focus on specific area of your choice ex:

Manifestation Meditation, Creating a Sacred Space, Third Eye Activation, Affirmation Meditation. Healing Meditation and more.

Meditation no longer needs to be the heavily structured process that is being taught, stating to sit this way, keep the spine straight and so on as you are not a beginner in this state. You’ll learn to live in the state of meditation longer during the day even when working at a job that pushes you off your balance. 2 hours session $90

  • Mer Ka Ba

MerKaBa is a multidimensional field around the body. A vibratory place that one becomes in a higher dimension. Consciousness can access it with will. During the 3rd stage of our ascension we work with our MerKaBa for many reasons. In this field we can manipulate thought. Ascension is a change in perception. The emotional and mental parts work hand in hand  with our intent in this field, increasing our awareness and free ourselves from limitations and prison bars.

  • In this session we’ll review cosmic geometry and human matrices. what are they and if they are at all important to us, why?
  • How to work with three star tetrahedrons of the lower and upper pyramids. called the Sun and earth pyramid.
  • Learn and practice MerKaBa meditation and sacred field meditation.

Merkaba is a field around the body that can be activated and used with human intent to manifest desire and or create energy.  In Hebrew MerKaBa means to ride. It is a vehicle you ride in. In  Mother language: Mer is Light, Ka is Spirit and Ba is Body. MerKaBa is The Spirit Body in the light field around your body.

  • Two 3 sided pyramids interlocking and overlapping from the chest to the knees. One is feminine the other masculine, The mind centered society made the masculine one to move faster resulting in what we are trying to change now. What we don’t seem to appreciate any more. It is important not to use any MerKaBa available out there before making sure we have the right information and understanding.

In this state it is easier for us to access Oneness and peace. That is now part of every moment of our day. Each time we sit quietly, resting in the light of our own Divinity, we are adding awareness to universal consciousness.

Live in the state of meditation during the day and get your balance back when ever needed by just finding a quiet place and find that silent place where you can sigh and state to yourself: I Am , I Am the One and the Many, feel the Oneness, rest for a moment in that peace, remind yourself of your intention at that moment and go on enjoying your life.

Benefits of stilling the mind are countless, let us look into the couple of physical benefits this time as it eliminates or reduces stress.

  • When under stress, the body produces cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone”. If cortisol is produced too frequently, it can have negative consequences. Weight around the middle of the abdomen blocks the production of cortisol, also known as the “death hormone” and is responsible for the production of pockets of fat around the waistline, especially above the navel area.
  • Cortisol is a particular reason for bloating of the abdomen, especially in the area around the navel.

Some other benefits of meditation includes:

  • Inner peace throughout the day, normalized blood pressure, increased ability to see beyond appearance, lower risk of stroke and heart attack, improved memory, and reduced anxiety and depression. 2 hours session $110

Master Class

Your Mer Ka Ba is your vehicle Ascension and can be activated easily by clearing your emotions and accessing the Sacred Heart in meditation. Over the 2 days I will teach you how to become Aware of what you are thinking, saying and doing in each moment so you can become the master of your reality and move into a more heart based life. We’ll activate your God MerKaBa and Resurrection MerKaBa.  This is a two days each for 3 hours deep spiritual work. Sessions are on Zoom. $250

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“The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why.” Albert Einstein