The Supermoon


We have a nice sunny day, clear sky to watch this large and bright moon tonight. When the sun goes down tonight, the world will be treated to the largest and brightest super-moon of the century.

        Full moon night is a great time to focus on our desires and release it with faith and inner knowing that, it will come to physicality. Good time for those of us who practiced the 21-day empowerment affirmations and exercises in the last 3 weeks to enforce them as well.

       Study shows we are more intuitive during full moon periods and solar activities affects our energy field therefore our intentions. I am aware of the creative feminine power of the moon and working with it, is a joy in the spiritual practices I do.

     The moon tonight will be the largest we’ve seen since 1948 and there won’t be another like this until 2034. The optical effect is caused by the moon’s elliptical orbit bringing it closer to the Earth. In Iayman’s terms, this is know as a super moon. Tonight’s moon will appear up to %14 bigger and %30 brighter than other times of the year.

      This night is also famous in releasing what no longer enhancing our life (belief and emotions, attitude and social conditions including people and situations) it works best if you could have an hour of quiet time to meditate.

       First still the mind then with your intention release what you need to shed. Take a few deep breath then start to write your desire goal now. Close your eyes and meditate on that. Take a few deep breath and when ready with your paper and candle go outside. Release your desire to the universe and enjoy watching the moon.

      At our regular monthly full moon meditation , we to light a candle and write our desire.  Meditate on our desires and send them with gratitude and praise to the beautiful female energy of the moon. We work with the moon energy to speed the process of manifestation by empowering our emotions and positive focused thoughts. Release the desire to the moon and at the end burn the paper. The candle light while dancing with the romance of life assist us to detach our heart from the desire. We burn the paper and let go, knowing that for us to be born again we need to die first. Then we joyfully watch the moon.

      Those of you who  participated in these sessions experienced the joy of connecting with like minded people in a simple yet very powerful drop-in session. The next full-moon meditation series starts with the first full-moon of 2017, Thursday, January 19. Sun sets at 4:45, our meditation starts at 6:00.

    I’ll stay positive and acknowledge the power of discipline thought, I live in the present moment most of the time though and love living in this state of meditation, yet I constantly remind myself  to discipline my thoughts, it’s a good practice.

Hope you could poke your head outside and look at the moon tonight.

In Gratitude, Sara

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