Changes in our Planet Changes Healing Modalities


With the changes happened in our planet and cosmos the most basic assumptions on which healers of all modalities has based their methods changed. No longer does opposite energies attract, the healing energy could gravitate towards diseased energies. Now they would reject each other. It is vital that we begin to utilize light and frequency  in healing. The use of Belvaspata heals as the frequencies of the sacred sigils are drawn to where they are most needed and takes into consideration changes that occurred in cosmos. The frequencies within the cosmos raised our consciousness and existence from polarity and duality to oneness. Using healing modalities based on duality leave client and practitioner with feeling of tiredness or drained. Belvaspata session benefits both, leaving them in a relax and content feeling.

Although the purpose of Belvaspata is to remove all disease, to remove the illusion of distorted emotion and to remove the distortion of light, we can use Belvaspata as a tool to:

  • See the perfection of all, bringing deep contentment and satisfaction
  • Focus and enhance the perfection, the blossoming of slumbering gifts deep in our core
  • Assist with the awakening of consciousness and to reveal the underlying perfection
  • Assist in the full expression of our being should it be blocked or not expressing fully

Belvaspata inspires the person (or part of their body ) to want to express at a higher level and/or to let go of patterns and behaviours held in memory, thus releasing illusion and allowing fuller expression.

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