Desire or obsession?


On our full moon meditation we usually start with a powerful meditation to release our worries, fear and limitation. After that we discuss one subject on ways to manifest which leads to our purpose for the night: Manifestation Meditation. This month we discussed the law of supply, simple but very power full. I thought to share the law of supply with all of you.

 Universal laws are very simple and by acknowledging them we can integrate them in our lives. This way we continue to receive endless supply.

Get to know your own desires and envision their fulfillment as it is the driving beyond flow of supply.  Remember desire wants something in the future but enjoy and appreciate today. Never try to go after your desire. When you go after your desire It becomes obsession. Obsession blocks the flow. It wants something in the future but can not be happy today because it doesn’t have that special thing at the moment. Allow your desires to come to you. Allowing and getting has two different vibration.  Allow the future to come to you flowing freely in the moment. I am present is the best affirmation in manifestation. Gratitude is the next law to integrate in our lives. It increases our present supply. Focus on what you have now. Next is saving: Saving looks for preparation and focus on present with gratitude. When we save because we are afraid of future and not having enough. Have doubts in our ability to make, it will create blockage. last one is greed. When we take more than we need. Whenever we benefit at the cost of all, we must pay the debt. The more we take beyond our needs the larger the debt.

We are permitted to enjoy abundantly as long as we give abundantly. Simple laws right? but very power full!

Enjoy manifesting your desires


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