Happy Birthday Love

What is Love….

Love is the highest vibration in the universe. Love is all there is.

Social conditions have separated us from the true feeling of love. Fear and expectation seems to cover most of our lives. We learn to find safety around our believes.

Build a wall around this belief system that works for us. The belief system we worked so hard to find and make it our own. It has made our life comfortable and safe. We, the product of fear based society, the fake human walking around looking good, healthy, wealthy or just surviving. This is it, kings and queens of separation and exclusion. But the pristine human is striving to come out and live from the heart with consciousness of oneness. Awaken joy
and passion with unique quality to share with all.

Love plays an important role in human evolution, however it is not possible to love and include all that it is unless we stop fear. Fear of karma, death, losing our job, our loved one, fear… fear and more fear.

Trust universe and your inner power. Once fear is removed our power is revealed. Our natural state of being once again will be established. If trust is there so as Love and only then we relate deep. 

Change is extremely difficult, yes, as we find security and comfort in sameness. It is very easy to rest back in ways that up to now have worked to bring a level of harmony and peace regardless of how it was accomplished.  We
struggle and resist, and often without thought automatically bring judgement and criticism to any suggestions of change in our life. We want change in some or all areas of life. In the heart we feel suppressed knowing something is missing. But we don’t want to change ourselves or inner world.  Only looking to see change externally. Right? How? Inner and outer world can not change separately. 

Is change and leaving our comfort zone is that hard? Didn’t we build this security with courage and self love? So let go of it, we’ll and we can build a much better one together.

Now fear is look in the eyes of others saying: Don’t you dare come close to me with the name of love. I don’t trust you. No one ever looked after me but me, not knowing that you and I are one “us” is all that is. Love is all that is,
all the rest is a creation of fear.

What is Love?

Socially conditioned, we all have different meaning for love. The word love represents a conclusion we have in our mind from childhood memories, from parents and society. Parents leave children behind leading them to associate
love with separation and pain. We learn to separate love from trust and/or we associate love with neediness and look for our other half every where. As if we are not complete. Never good enough.

Love is nothing but desire to include and can not survive without trust. Emotions come in pair, Trust and Love are always together. If we are not including our loved one in every decision we make, in sadness and happiness of
life. Maybe it is time to find out why?

Look into purification of emotions and create something different, but pretty darn good. Let the song of the self play for you and for the society. It will benefit both.


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