Why Purify Our Emotions?

Physical, Emotional and Mental Health has so much to do with our emotions.
Right? Wrong…..?
Right, we get into the root of an issue in healing with frequency and light;
Belvaspata is teaching us so much about purity of emotions.

We start with meditation to release what is not life enhancing and the stress of the day.

Join me in an evening with your heart and meet like minded friends. Dive in deep into the true meaning and reason for our emotions. Learn how they are here to guide us where to go and how to go about our desires and goals. Emotions are desire base and come in pairs. Love and Trust are the core pairs. Best place to begin the purification.

Our emotions are conditioned by social believes, feelings and experiences we
lived since birth. The innocence is still there but hidden.

When origin of a sense, emotion and feeling is hidden, we are not able to be
authentic. Therefore a deep sense of lost and separation walks with us in our
day to day life. We are not home for ourselves. We don’t recognize the feeling
just looking for broken part. Deep inside loving family or friends we go feeling
funny. like something is still missing. Could it be inner balance? Lets dive in
deep into trust and love….

We Finish the evening with  a deep meditation on pairs of emotions.


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